Text Box: Data Analysis and Mapping for Decision-Making




Mapping Human Use Information for Ocean and Coastal Management; Fisheries Effort Data Layers
(2011, Dartmouth, NS)

Potential mapping and Grid mapping to characterize the pattern of offshore fishing activity for the Scotian Shelf and other areas of the northwest Atlantic.

Intensity of Trawl Scouring in the Northwest Atlantic
(2007-09, St. John’s, NL)

Mapping and analysis of fishing data to map the distribution of trawling and other fishing activity over fifteen year period and to determine areas of intensive bottom scouring.

Point Tupper Pipeline Atlas
(2006, Goldboro, NS)

Preparation of map atlas illustrating location of gas pipeline from Goldboro gas plant to Point Tupper fractionation plant.

Emergency Response Plan Mapping for Maritimes and Northeast Pipelines
(2005-06, New Glasgow, NS)

Compilation and preparation of map atlas illustrating the main gas pipeline and Halifax Lateral through Nova Scotia and identifying houses and other buildings within 500m of pipeline. 

Global Mapping of Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
(2008, Dartmouth, NS)

Consolidation and mapping of Regional Fisheries Management Organization (RFMO) boundaries in support of a global overview of straddling and highly migratory fish stocks.

Nova Scotia Civic Address File (NSCAF) Employee Training and Orientation
(2011, Amherst, NS)

Preparation of training material and delivery of 2-3 day training sessions to provide training and orientation to new employees on the NSCAF program.